I am with you. I will watch over you everywhere you go. And I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.
-Genesis 28:15 

Isaac grew up and had a son. His name was Jacob. When Jacob grew up, he went on a journey to find a wife. It was a very long trip, so Jacob found a smooth rock to lay his head on and fell asleep. While he was sleeping, Jacob experienced a dream from God. In his dream, he saw a ladder going up into heaven. Angels were on the ladder, and God was at the top, saying, “I will give you and your children this place to live. Like your father, Isaac, and your grandfather, Abraham, I will give you many children. They will be like the dust of the earth that can’t be counted. I am still unfolding my wonderful rescue plan to save my people from sin. I promised I would bring the savior from your family line. I will keep you safe wherever you go, and I will always keep my promises.” After this dream, Jacob knew he would never be alone. Jesus, God’s son, is the only way we can get close to God. He is like our ladder to heaven. He makes us right, forgiven and holy. He gives us the Holy Spirit so we can live like Jesus while we are on earth. Jacob trusted God and knew He would always be by his side. God is always with us too!

In what ways have you seen that God is always with you and working through you? Why do we find this hard to believe at times? Why does this truth make the Christian so bold and strong?

Thank you God for always being with us, wherever we go. Thank you for sending Jesus to be our ladder to heaven so we can be with you forever. Amen.

Make a ladder out of popsicle sticks glued to paper. Have the kiddos color themselves at the bottom of the ladder with God at the top. Then draw a big cross on top of the ladder, and show your children that Jesus is the way to heaven!